Saturday, June 13, 2009

OMG! WSJ and Conservatives Cry Foul on Political Attacks

Or maybe it's WTF?

Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote a column today titled "Obama's Attack Machine" that complains Democrats are being too rough on Virginia Republican and Minority Whip Ed Cantor by pointing out he and the Republicans in Congress have nothing better to do than get in the way of solving -their- economic mess.

I'm sure I'm not the only one crying crocodile tears for the conservatives and Mr. Cantor. To quote Jack Valenti, "Politics ain't tidily-winks." But Strassel's column simply reminds me that Republicans and conservatives can dish it out, but they can't take it.

Of course, over-hyped, over-thought rhetoric is hardly the domain of just Democrats. I don't think too many honest people would argue they're as good at it as Republicans are or can raise the money to trash people as Republicans have done in the past. I continue to laugh whenever I hear comments about "the biased mainstream media," especially when it comes from TV stations or newspapers owned by her boss, Rupert Murdoch. That, indeed, is the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

Why it is that papers such as the WSJ forget which party got us into this mess in the first place through deregulation and tax cuts based on failed economic strategies such as Laffer's Curve (appropriately named, actually)? To think we were going to somehow grow our way out of this using those same theories that got us here would be insane. Had they worked, Strassel may have a point. But they failed, which means she doesn't have a point or an argument.

Rep. Cantor and other Republicans attempting to make political hay out of the demise of the American Middle Class and the cost of fixing their problem by whining deserves public chastising in every way possible. So if some groups want to spank them in public using their own money, that seems to me to be a perfect example of the same free speech conservatives use to bash anyone who doesn't agree with them. It sure never stopped them before when they held power. Isn't turn about is fair play. Put another way, payback is a bi---, well, you know.

As for going after Cantor's wife, as wrong as that should be, that never stopped Republicans before. Why do they get to complain now? Why is it okay when they do it? Maybe if Republicans swore to never, ever bring someone's wife or families into campaigns or issues in the future, and that if they did, whomever was the potential benefactor would immediately resign from their office, you might get a deal. But when Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reily, Savage and Fox TV promote similar stories about Democrats as if they were facts when they know they're not, all you deserve are crocodile tears.

I take some relish in saying conservatives made the bed, now enjoy sleeping in it.